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Duchy rankRagusa
Primary culture
Dalmatian (Latin)

Capital province
Ragusa (137)

Plutocracy Government republic.png

State religion

Technology group
EasternEastern technology group
Ragusan ideas
Ambox outdated info.png Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.35.

Traditions.png Traditions:

+10% Trade efficiency
+10% Trade power abroad

Yearly navy tradition.png Ordo Marinaritiae

+0.5 Yearly navy tradition

Domestic trade power.png Center of Trade

+20% Domestic trade power

Diplomats.png Patronage

+1 Diplomat

Naval force limit modifier.png Ragusan Arsenal

+20% Naval force limit modifier

Shipbuilding time.png Port Gruz

−5% Shipbuilding time
−5% Ship cost

National unrest.png Non Bene Pro Toto Libertas Venditur Auro

−1 National unrest

National tax modifier.png Palace of the Rector

+10% National tax modifier

Idea bonus.png Ambition:

+15% Morale of navies

Ragusa is a tiny nation on the Adriatic coast which maintained its independence for nearly the entire historical campaign. Due to their close proximity to Flag of Venice Venice and the Flag of Ottomans Ottomans they are conquered in most campaigns. In the player's hands, Ragusa has a number of advantages: a free Ottoman guarantee; easy access to the HRE; ability to form the superior Croatia; and the opportunity to convert to the powerful Orthodox faith.

Ragusa was a vassal of the Kingdom of Flag of Hungary Hungary (1358–1458) but currently in the game this isn't represented in 1444. Historically, Ragusa survived until 1807, though by 1806 their only province will be occupied by Flag of France France.

In the game Ragusa uses the Árpád-striped flag of Hungary due to its Hungarian vassalage instead of the more historically accurate flag now used by Dubrovnik, which resulted in Hungary not using the more historically correct flag itself.

Decision[edit | edit source]


Execute decision.pngForm Croatia

Centuries ago the lands of Croatia were united. Our kingdom stood proud and mighty until a succession crisis led to a personal union under Hungary. Now that we have the Croatian homeland firmly in our hands the time has come to end this age of servitude for our people and create a new independent kingdom.

Potential requirements

The country:

If the country is AI-controlled then it:

Playing with normal or historical nations.


Flag of Croatia Croatia does not exist.
The country:


The country:

  • becomes Flag of Croatia Croatia.
  • gains Prestige.png 25 prestige.
  • gets new Mission.png missions
  • gets the Msg event.png event ‘New Traditions & Ambitions’, unless it has custom ideas.
  • becomes a Government monarchy.png monarchy, if it is a Government republic.png republic
  • increases rank to Kingdom rank kingdom, if it is a Duchy rank duchy
  • Max promoted cultures.png Gain “Croatian” as an accepted culture, if they are not primary or accepted culture. If the culture is already an accepted culture, or if there are not enough slots, gain 100 diplomatic power instead.
  • gains a permanent claim on:
    • Dalmatia area
    • every province in Europe with Culture icon.png Croatian or Dalmatian culture.
  • gets “Increased Centralization” for Time Icon.png 20 years, giving:
    • Autonomy.png −0.05 monthly autonomy change,
    • National unrest.png +1 national unrest.

If Zagreb (131) is part of the HRE, but its owner is not a member then:

  • the province is removed from the HRE.
  • the Holy Roman Emperor:
    • gets the opinion modifier “Removed provinces from the Empire” towards the owner, worth Opinion.png−50 opinion with a yearly decay of 1.
    • loses Imperial authority.png1 imperial authority.

Zagreb (131):

  • becomes the new capital of the owner country.

Execute decision.pngReunite the Kingdom of Dalmatia

When the other states of the Dalmatian Federation signed a pact with the Venetians, our people simply couldn’t follow them and fall under the influence of another foreign nation. Now that we have reconquered much of the old Kingdom, we stand in a position where we may abandon our isolated identity and consolidate the Dalmatian Federation into a single state, free from foreign hands.

Potential requirements

The country:

If the country is AI-controlled, then

Playing with normal or historical nations.


Flag of Dalmatia Dalmatia does not exist.
The country:


The country:

  • becomes Flag of Dalmatia Dalmatia.
  • gains Prestige.png 25 prestige.
  • gets new Mission.png missions
  • gets the Msg event.png event ‘New Traditions & Ambitions’, unless it has custom ideas.
  • increases rank to Kingdom rank kingdom, if it is a Duchy rank duchy
  • gains a permanent claim on:
    • Croatia area
    • Dalmatia area
    • every province in Europe with Culture icon.png Dalmatian culture
    • Trieste (4738)
    • Kotor (4754)
  • gets “Increased Centralization” for Time Icon.png 20 years, giving:
    • Autonomy.png −0.05 monthly autonomy change,
    • National unrest.png +1 national unrest.

Missions[edit | edit source]

Main article: Croatian missions

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Strategy The below is one of many player suggested strategies for Ragusa. Bear in mind, due to the dynamic nature of the game, it may unfold differently for other players.

Being located in a very turbulent area between much larger nations such as Flag of Venice Venice, the Flag of Ottomans Ottomans, and Flag of Hungary Hungary, the early game is critical. First aim should be to secure the alliance with Hungary, which is quite easy as a bonus is given because Ragusa is threatened by the Ottomans. Another good ally in the early game is Flag of Wallachia Wallachia. It is advisable to build up a merchant fleet and send them to protect the trade in Constantinople to secure some initial funding.

The primary targets of conquest should be Split and Zadar (part of Venice), as it is of Dalmatian culture, and Catholic, and will save much on the conversion cost. Make them a priority. Try to get your hands on Crete as well, as it will make attacking the Ottomans much easier in the later stages. Next expansion candidates are Flag of Bosnia Bosnia, Flag of Serbia Serbia, Flag of Albania Albania and Flag of Naples Naples.

After the initial expansion, try to get an alliance with Flag of Austria Austria or some of the other big nations, and start attacking the Ottomans. Time the attacks so that at least two of your major allies come to your aid, and while the Ottomans are fighting the Flag of Mamluks Mamluks and their European provinces are unguarded. Crete will come to the great help here, as you will be able to get a claim on higher value provinces in Greece.

An alternate strategy is to form Flag of Croatia Croatia. Croatia has superior military ideas, although early formation requires a little luck. Do not ally Hungary; instead, utilize the Ottoman guarantee and join the HRE as fast as possible. Ally Flag of Austria Austria and Flag of Bohemia Bohemia, one of whom should be the Emperor. Pounce on Flag of Venice Venice when they're distracted - you only need to take Dalmatia. Once cored, add it and Dubrovnik to the HRE. If Flag of Albania Albania still exist, they are also likely to join the HRE, blocking Ottoman growth.

Expand into Flag of Bosnia Bosnia and Flag of Serbia Serbia, prioritising Croatian cores. Ensure Bosnia or Serbia survive with at least one province bordering you and Hungary. Next, take Hungary's Croatian cores when they're diplomatically isolated; if Hungary warn you, declaring war on Bosnia or Serbia prevents Hungary calling in Austria. It may take several low warscore wars to liberate Croatia. Serbia's ideas, Hungarian and Ottoman cores, and differing religion make it a good vassal, although with potentially high liberty desire.

After forming Croatia, you can convert to Orthodox to gain up to +33% manpower. Expand into Flag of The Papal State The Papal State. If you then pass The Statute in Restraint of Appeals before converting, you keep the bonus for the rest of the game (not work in 1.31). Conversion requires Orthodox rebels, which you can spawn in any Orthodox province using an unfunded missionary and high unrest.

Colonial expansion is possible, though it will be much more expensive to start the colonies as the starting position is quite far from the other colony-oriented nations as Flag of Portugal Portugal, Flag of Spain Spain, Flag of France France or Flag of Great Britain Great Britain. The good choice is to turn your eyes toward Africa, by colonizing Fernando Po and Cape, Which can be a good stepping stone for expansion into gold rich East Africa and India. This strategy will also be useful when battling Ottomans.

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Mare Nostrum icon
Restore the Roman Empire and own the entire Mediterranean and Black Sea coast lines.
With a little help.. icon
As Ragusa, lead a Trade League of at least 5 nations and guarantee the Ottomans’ independence.
Country guides
Western technology group Western.png Aragon.png Aragon Austria.png Austria Bohemia.png Bohemia Brandenburg.png Brandenburg Brittany.png Brittany Brunswick.png Brunswick Burgundy.png Burgundy Castile.png Castile Danzig.png Danzig Denmark.png Denmark Dithmarschen.png Dithmarschen England.png England Florence.png Florence France.png France Genoa.png Genoa Germany.png Germany Gotland.png Gotland Hesse.png Hesse Holland.png Holland Ireland.png Ireland Italy.png Italy Kurland.png Kurland Lübeck.png Lübeck Milan.png Milan Munich.png Munich Naples.png Naples Navarra.png Navarra Norway.png Norway Pomerania.png Pomerania Portugal.png Portugal Provence.png Provence Riga.png Riga Savoy.png Savoy Saxony.png Saxony Spain.png Spain Sweden.png Sweden Switzerland.png Switzerland Teutonic Order.png Teutonic Order The Papal State.png The Papal State Venice.png Venice Wales.png Wales
Eastern technology group Eastern.png Bosnia.png Bosnia Byzantium.png Byzantium Circassia.png Circassia Cyprus.png Cyprus Georgia.png Georgia Greece.png Greece Lithuania.png Lithuania Montenegro.png Montenegro Muscovy.png Muscovy Novgorod.png Novgorod Perm.png Perm Poland.png Poland Ragusa.png Ragusa Russia.png Russia Serbia.png Serbia Theodoro.png Theodoro Trebizond.png Trebizond Tver.png Tver Wallachia.png Wallachia
Anatolian technology group Ottoman.png Ottomans.png Ottomans
Muslim technology group Muslim.png Granada.png Granada
Nomadic technology group Nomadic.png Great Horde.png Great Horde Kazan.png Kazan