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Kingdom rankBohemia
Primary culture
Czech (West Slavic)

Capital province
Prague (266)

Feudal Nobility Government monarchy.png

State religion

Technology group
WesternWestern technology group
Bohemian ideas
Ambox outdated info.png Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.36.

Traditions.png Traditions:

−10% Advisor cost
+10% Imperial authority growth modifier

Tolerance heretic.png Compacta of Prague

+3 Tolerance of heretics

Yearly devotion.png Elective Monarchy

+1 Yearly devotion
+1 Yearly legitimacy
+1 Yearly horde unity
+0.3 Yearly republican tradition
+1 Yearly meritocracy

Infantry combat ability.png Wagenburg

+10% Infantry combat ability
−5% Shock damage received

National unrest.png Letter of Majesty

−1 National unrest

Technology cost.png Hussite Legacy

−10% Technology cost

Stability cost modifier.png The Kutnohorian Deal

−10% Stability cost modifier

Cost of advisors with ruler's culture.png Czech Nationalism

−25% Cost of advisors with ruler's culture

Idea bonus.png Ambition:

+1 Land leader fire
For the area, see Bohemia (area).
Shield Bohemia.png

Bohemia is one of the foremost nations in the Holy Roman Empire, its military might and economy wealth second only to the Habsburgs of Flag of Austria Austria - the current occupants of the Imperial Throne. In recent times, Bohemia itself was ruled from Austria by Albrecht II, whose death in 1440 left the throne of Bohemia vacant. The question of his succession has not yet been resolved, and the Austrians are likely to press their claims.

In addition to uncertainties surrounding the succession, Bohemia comes off the back of several decades of struggle between its rulers and the Hussites, who many in the Catholic world view as heretics. Although the radical Hussite faction was defeated, the moderate Taborite faction, led by Jiri Podebrad, remain influential and will surely wish to have their say in the question of succession - and in other matters.

Further threats - but also potential allies - lie to the east, in the mighty nations of Flag of Poland Poland and Flag of Hungary Hungary. Both have been thrown into chaos by the death of Wladislaw III Jagiellon at the hands of the Flag of Ottomans Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Varna. This has left them leaderless, with Hungary looking particularly vulnerable, but their strength should not be underestimated. An ambitious Bohemian king could use the situation to his advantage and gain valuable allies - or valuable new land - for the throne.

In Germany, many of the Imperial Princes view Bohemia as outsiders - despite its status as an Elector - due to cultural differences and worry about living in its comparatively large shadow. An expansionist king might look for fresh conquests among them, but their support will be necessary for any fresh push towards becoming the Holy Roman Emperor. Choices abound lie ahead, with many threats and opportunities for the Kingdom of Bohemia to navigate...

Bohemia is one of the three Central European powers and possibly the biggest rival for the Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire, which the Austrian Habsburgs seem to claim by right. Divided between German and Czech lands, Bohemia is large and rich but has larger and richer neighbours in Flag of Poland Poland, Flag of Hungary Hungary and Flag of Austria Austria. Bohemia also has Flag of Glogow Glogow and Flag of Opole Opole as vassals. It is traditionally considered the only kingdom in the Holy Roman Empire, resulting in the rulers of Brandenburg-Prussia being addressed as "Kings in Prussia" until the end of the empire in the early 19th century.

Missions[edit | edit source]

Main article: Bohemian missions

Bohemia's missions primarily concern expansion inside and outside of the Holy Roman Empire, and dealing with the Hussite faith.

Events[edit | edit source]

Main article: Bohemian events

Bohemia's events focus on various historical events in Bohemia's history, especially the Hussite movement.

Decisions[edit | edit source]


Execute decision.pngTransfer the Ownership of Nitra

The Principality of Nitra fell under the Hungarian rule in the aftermath of Great Moravia's disintegration, and although it kept its autonomous status for some time, the ducal rights of Nitra were abolished by King Coloman. Since then, Nitra and Slovaks had no special position in Hungary whatsoever. As we now rule Hungary, it is time we reorganize our lands and make the Principality of Nitra united with our crown once again.
Potential requirements

The country:

  • Is or was Flag of Bohemia Bohemia
  • Has not enacted this decision before
  • Has completed the Mission.png "Claim the Holy Crown" mission
  • Does not own the Slovakia area
  • Is not a colonial nation
  • At least one of:
    • Is player-controlled
    • Is not playing a custom nation

Playing with normal or historical nations


The country:

Every province in the Slovakia area:


Every province in Slovakia area owned by Flag of Hungary Hungary:

  • Is transferred to us
  • Does not gain cores on those provinces

Flag of Hungary Hungary

  • Loses all cores on Slovakia area
  • Gains Liberty desire.png 50% liberty desire

AI will always take this decision (Base weight: 1)

Execute decision.pngRelease Prussia

Our ties with the region of Prussia trace back to the reign of Premysl Otakar II, a time when the Bohemian crown held significant influence over the territories of the Holy Roman Empire. As we have now regained control over these lands, it has been suggested that we establish a Prussian Duchy. Doing so would not only ease our administrative burden, but the Duchy would also serve as a buffer against the Baltic incursions.
Potential requirements

The country:

  • Is or was Flag of Bohemia Bohemia
  • Has not enacted this decision before
  • Has completed the Mission.png "Pomerelian Reconquest" mission
  • Is not a colonial nation
  • At least one of:
    • Is player-controlled
    • Is not playing a custom nation

Playing with normal or historical nations


The country:

Flag of Prussia Prussia does not exist


The country:

  • Releases Flag of Prussia Prussia as a Icon vassal.png vassal who:
    • Gains core on the West and East Prussia areas
    • Converts to our religion
    • Converts its capital to our religion
    • Becomes our mutual historical friend
    • Loses Liberty desire.png 25% liberty desire
    • If is Protestantism Protestant, Reformed.png Reformed, Anglican.png Anglican or Hussite Hussite:
      • Enacts the "Prussian Monarchy" government reform
    • Else:
      • Enacts the "Feudal Nobility" government reform

Execute decision.pngRestore Great Moravia

As the proud nation of [Root.GetName], we have a rich history that dates back to the Great Moravian Empire. Our ancestors once ruled over a vast realm in the heart of Europe, demonstrating our potential for greatness. It is time for us to reclaim our glorious past and restore Great Moravia.
Potential requirements

The country:

The Flag of Great Moravia Great Moravia does not exist
Playing with normal or historical nations


The country:

  • Has an Administrative tech.png administrative technology of at least level 10
  • is not a subject nation other than a tributary state or a cultural influenced state.
  • Is not at war
  • If is or was Flag of Bohemia Bohemia:
  • Owns or non-tributary subjects own the following provinces:
    • Somogy (1864)
    • Pest (153)
    • Zemplén (162)
    • Krakow (262)
    • Breslau (264)
    • Niederlausitz (1763)
    • Bautzen (60)
    • Eger (2967)
    • Prague (266)
    • Hont (154)
    • Wien (134)
    • Hradiste (4726)


The country:

  • Becomes the Flag of Great Moravia Great Moravia
  • Gains Prestige.png 25 prestige
  • Gets the Msg event.png "New Traditions & Ambitions" event, unless it is a custom nation
  • Gains “Increased Centralization” for Time Icon.png 20 years, giving:
    • Autonomy.png −0.05 Monthly autonomy change
    • National unrest.png +1 National unrest
  • If is part of the Holy Roman Empire, but is not an Elector nor the Emperor of the HRE:
    • Every province leaves the Holy Roman Empire
    • The Holy Roman Emperor:
  • If is an Elector of the Holy Roman Empire or is not part of the HRE:
    • Becomes a Kingdom rank Kingdom
  • If is or was Flag of Bohemia Bohemia:
    • If has already completed the Mission.png "Univerzita Karlova" mission:
      • Gains “Czech Nationalism” for the rest of the game, giving:
        • Development cost in primary culture.png −5% Development cost in primary culture

AI will always take this decision (Base weight: 1)

Execute decision.pngRebuild Veligrad

Before its devastation by the Magyar hordes, Veligrad had been the greatest city in all of central Europe. From here, Constantine and Methodius worked on their apostolic missions, and Rostislav and Svatopluk ruled the vast realm with an iron fist. We have now restored the city to its long-gone glory, and many are suggesting that in order to further strengthen our legitimacy, we make Veligrad our capital once again.
Potential requirements

The country:

  • Is or was Flag of Great Moravia Great Moravia
  • Has not enacted this decision before
  • At least one of:
    • Is player-controlled
    • Is not playing a custom nation

Playing with normal or historical nations


The country:


The country:

  • Loses Administrative power.png 100 administrative power

Province Hradiste (4726):

  • Becomes the new Capital.png capital
  • Is renamed Veligrad
  • Gains “The Great City of Rostislav and Svatopluk” for Time Icon.png 25 years, giving:
    • Local development cost modifier −10% Local development cost modifier
  • If was in the HRE and the country isn't:
    • Is removed from the empire

AI will always take this decision (Base weight: 1)

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Strategy The below is one of many player suggested strategies for Bohemia. Bear in mind, due to the dynamic nature of the game, it may unfold differently for other players.

Bohemia is a Czech culture nation located to the north of Austria - historically, they had a lot of power over the diplomatic antics of the Holy Roman Empire and were a very important nation in the Catholic Reformation, but never grew up into the diplomatic powerhouse of the Habsburg family. This position and development is largely the starting position of Bohemia, where it will be an influence to the political games of the Holy Roman Empire, but without devoting its resources successfully, they'll eventually fall behind the more capable family of the Habsburgs. Many of their national ideas reflect the desire to be a progressive, stable country, and playing as Bohemia is one of the most (relatively) stable experiences a player can have. With extra tolerance for Heretics to winter through the Reformation, as well as the rare bonuses of yearly legitimacy and reduced advisor costs, coupled with reduced national unrest and stability cost modifier, Bohemia will rarely find itself in uproar, and can therefore devote its resources to its goals.

Early game[edit | edit source]

In the year 1444, Bohemia starts off as a stable country and an elector in the Holy Roman Empire, from here on referred to as the "HRE", with Flag of Austria Austria and the Habsburgs as the Emperor. One of the most obvious goals and one of the safest ways to expand the player's influence and power is to aspire to become Emperor. Being an elector means the player already has one vote guaranteed, which can seriously help in the politics of the HRE. Getting other electors to vote for the player can be done both through military or diplomatic means. While the military option to quickly enforce vassalage on an elector and demand its vote is the shorter route and almost guarantees a vote, it does come with the penalties of aggressive expansion and reduced relationships with other electors and HRE nations. Aggressive expansion in the HRE can be minimized, and votes secured, by declaring war and vassalizing the lowest-base tax electors first. To do so, it may be necessary to declare war on a neighbouring nation and pull in the desired elector into the war. Diplomatic means will take longer, but have little to no penalties if the player is patient; however, electors cannot be diplomatically vassalized.

If Bohemia devotes its resources towards this goal, such as taking diplomatic ideas and forming alliances or granting guarantees to the independence of nations, Bohemia will become a diplomatic force that can rival that of Austria and the Habsburgs. Alternatively, Bohemia can choose to enforce its position in the Holy Roman Empire by force, using its diplomats to forge claims instead of alliances, and keep nations in an iron grip of vassalage, using the combined strength of nations to rival the military power of the Emperor, while also undermining its influence and authority; however, note that vassals may declare war at the same time if they collectively become too strong and think that they can win against their overlord and loyal vassals, so it may be helpful to maintain alliances with powerful nations outside the HRE in order to deter them from inciting an independence war.

There is a small monthly penalty to Imperial Authority for having electors as vassals, which practically means that the player cannot pass reforms. However, once the player has become Emperor with vassalized electors, the player can diplo-annex them, and appoint new electors who are the player's religion and will vote for them.

A Bohemian player with naval or colonial ambitions can also choose to expand northward to the Baltic. The province of Neumark is held by the Flag of Teutonic Order Teutonic Order in 1444, and since the above-mentioned is most likely to be preoccupied with Poland-Lithuania, it is an easy get.Flag of Pomerania Pomerania can be vassalized or annexed outright, granting access to the Baltic Sea and allowing further conquest toward Flag of Denmark Denmark.

It is important to be prepared for the possibility that Austria may take a mission to force a personal union on Bohemia.

The Hussites and the Reformation[edit | edit source]

Bohemia begins as a Catholic country, but some of of its provinces, including the capital Praha, follow the Hussite faith, a Christian splinter sect. A player with the Emperor DLC will be given a decision to either destroy the Hussites, reconcile with them, or embrace their message. The decision should be weighed carefully, as a Hussite Bohemia will find diplomacy more difficult and will be ineligible to become emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. However, Hussite Bohemia gains access to a mission that will create a Hussite center of reformation. This will begin to convert Germany, gradually eroding the authority of the Emperor and preventing Austria from passing reforms or finding allies in Germany. When the Protestant Reformation begins, Hussite Bohemia will be offered a choice between staying Hussite or converting the country and all of its territory to Protestant. If the first option is chosen and the Hussite religion has spread widely, this can result in most of the HRE joining the Reformation from the get-go. Austria will find fewer allies within the Empire, and the future League War will be a piece of cake. This is a good opportunity for a Protestant Bohemia to change the Empire's religion and overthrow Austria. A player without the Emperor DLC intending to go Protestant should convert sooner rather than later to get a center of reformation.

If Hussite Bohemia elects to not convert to become protestant, and remain separate, they will be ineligible to lead the protestant league. This will make it difficult to force a religious peace in the empire and become a Hussite emperor.

Reformed is a weaker choice than protestant, but it has its perks and often spreads to Bohemia. It is useful for a Bohemia intending to minimize conversion in favor of tolerance. Reformed rulers, just like the Hussites, cannot normally become Emperor unless a religious peace is reached at the end of the League War. However, if the Protestant League wins the war but a majority of the Empire is Reformed, an incident will fire that can lead to Reformed becoming the official religion of the Empire.

A player wishing to become Emperor sooner rather than later can stay Catholic. However, Bohemian provinces are very vulnerable to passive conversion. A Catholic Bohemia should Embrace the Counter-Reformation as soon as possible and aggressively attack countries with centers of reformation so that they can be swiftly destroyed.

Future expansion[edit | edit source]

After the Reformation, and during that time setting, many nations will have grown their borders and have either absorbed their smaller rivals or been annihilated themselves. The HRE is usually exempt from this pattern due to the politics and diplomacy involved, but the Emperor should have had plenty of time to use his authority to install reforms. Whether this Emperor is Bohemia or some other nation (Austria most likely) is dependent on each individual game and the events that transpired, but generally speaking, the Empire should see lesser individual nations and some electors or other small prince states that have grown in the borders of the HRE without becoming a substantial threat to the larger nations of Europe.

For Bohemia to grow in this era, the decision is again up to the player: it can continue to solidify its HRE Authority and set the ambition to turn the HRE into one singular, powerful nation, or use military means to expand around the HRE. Because of the starting location of Bohemia, colonization and trade are very costly and lengthy investments that are generally not worth its reward, which leaves Bohemia to continue dealing with European affairs until the end date of 1821.

The expansion of Bohemia westward after the Reformation will not be a very easy task, as uniting the HRE will likely uproar the Austrians and the Italian minors (but they will likely leave the HRE by 1500), and in all likelihood, the military power of the Emperor must be used to subdue those nations if a singular HRE nation must be formed.

Poland is in the same West Slavic cultural group, so expanding into its territory is an strong option, with Muscovy/Russia and/or Ottoman help.

These allies will also be crucial in the Holy War that Bohemia is in a good position to lead (as Protestant Leader).

Ultimately, if successful at forcing a Protestant Empire and enacting all of the Imperial reforms, the Bohemian player may want to seriously consider Humanism as an idea. This is because its Czech culture will not accept all of the many Germanic ones after unification, a possible solution is to force a culture shift to a Germanic culture (prussian is highly advisable as it also allows you to form Prussia). To do this you have to turn all your states except the ones with prussian culture to territories. This will then satisfy the requirement for a 50% of development to be prussian. Be aware that this is a risky process as you lose income, force limit and a ton of administrative points ( you will have to re core all of your territories after the shift) Hence it is advisable to do this as early as possible as it might not be feasible in the late midgame and lategame.

Achievements[edit | edit source]

A Kaiser not just in name icon
Form the Holy Roman Empire.
Czechs and Balances icon
Starting as Bohemia, grant at least two privileges to each estate while having at least 50% Crown Land.
Mare Nostrum icon
Restore the Roman Empire and own the entire Mediterranean and Black Sea coast lines.
The Bohemians icon
As Bohemia, own Dublin as a core province.
The Emperors new clothes icon
Overthrow Austria and become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Veritas Vincit icon
Starting as Bohemia, make Hussite the official faith of the Empire and become the Emperor.
Country guides
Western technology group Western.png Aragon.png Aragon Austria.png Austria Bohemia.png Bohemia Brandenburg.png Brandenburg Brittany.png Brittany Brunswick.png Brunswick Burgundy.png Burgundy Castile.png Castile Danzig.png Danzig Denmark.png Denmark Dithmarschen.png Dithmarschen England.png England Florence.png Florence France.png France Genoa.png Genoa Germany.png Germany Gotland.png Gotland Hesse.png Hesse Holland.png Holland Ireland.png Ireland Italy.png Italy Kurland.png Kurland Lübeck.png Lübeck Milan.png Milan Munich.png Munich Naples.png Naples Navarra.png Navarra Norway.png Norway Pomerania.png Pomerania Portugal.png Portugal Provence.png Provence Riga.png Riga Savoy.png Savoy Saxony.png Saxony Spain.png Spain Sweden.png Sweden Switzerland.png Switzerland Teutonic Order.png Teutonic Order The Papal State.png The Papal State Venice.png Venice Wales.png Wales
Eastern technology group Eastern.png Bosnia.png Bosnia Byzantium.png Byzantium Circassia.png Circassia Cyprus.png Cyprus Georgia.png Georgia Greece.png Greece Lithuania.png Lithuania Montenegro.png Montenegro Muscovy.png Muscovy Novgorod.png Novgorod Perm.png Perm Poland.png Poland Ragusa.png Ragusa Russia.png Russia Serbia.png Serbia Theodoro.png Theodoro Trebizond.png Trebizond Tver.png Tver Wallachia.png Wallachia
Anatolian technology group Ottoman.png Ottomans.png Ottomans
Muslim technology group Muslim.png Granada.png Granada
Nomadic technology group Nomadic.png Great Horde.png Great Horde Kazan.png Kazan